速報APP / 社交 / WeAre Drivers (alpha)

WeAre Drivers (alpha)





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




WeAre Drivers (alpha)(圖1)-速報App

Why is driving your favorite car no longer fun? Too much traffic jams and rudeness on the roads? Sociologists claim that these are the most common causes of stress and loss of taste for driving.

WeAre Drivers (alpha)(圖2)-速報App

On the road we see cars, but forget that in them people-that's the reason! The machine is iron, it can be offended, it can be rudeed, it is fun to overtake, press, prune. But as soon as a man remembers that here in this neighboring Peugeot is a woman with a child, and in that hefty SUV can go your neighbor, as soon as you see their faces-at once everything changes!

WeAre Drivers (alpha)(圖3)-速報App

It is important to see the faces of those who are with you in the next row and remember that you are not alone on the road. But how to do it?

WeAre Drivers (alpha)(圖4)-速報App

This problem was faced by a team of Dream engineers Oneiro Labs.

WeAre Drivers (alpha)(圖5)-速報App

Having gathered and thinking hard about how to make riding on the road more humane, we have created the application we are.